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This week I'm going to talk about a problem that most people often have. Small, superficial ulcers on the tongue, soft palate, inner part of the lips and cheeks that cause severe pain in your mouth that prevent you from speaking and eating are called aphthous lesions.

Aphthae are present in the mouth either as one major or as a few minor. About 5 - 10 days

takes up. The patient notices pain, burning and even swelling in the lymph node at the closest part. There is a distinct appearance especially in major aphthae. There is a round border and a white ulceration layer on the surface as if pierced with a punch, which we call the staple hole image.

The most important reasons are; stress, distress, sadness, trauma, acidic foods (tomatoes, citrus fruits, etc.), and a decrease in body resistance. It can also be seen before the menstruation phase in women.

It is not contagious because it is not a virus or bacteria that causes cold sores. Medications that cause aphthae are rheumatism drugs, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors. In addition, aphthae are also seen in Behçet's Disease, Familial Mediterranean Fever, Intestinal diseases, and immunodeficiency.

Treatment is directly by eliminating uncomfortable conditions and protection from infection. The patient is also given medications to reduce their complaints. A corticostroid and mouthwash will help reduce the patient's complaints.

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